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AI-LAB is based on Ubuntu Linux as its operating system. In practice, working on AI-LAB primarily takes place via a command-line interface.

AI-LAB leverages two primary software components: Slurm and Singularity. Understanding these tools and how they work together is crucial for efficiently utilizing the AI-LAB platform.


Slurm is a powerful and highly configurable workload manager used for scheduling and managing compute jobs on AI-LAB. It provides essential features such as:

  • Job Scheduling: Allocating resources to jobs based on user requests and system policies.
  • Resource Management: Tracking and managing compute resources, ensuring optimal utilization.
  • Queue Management: Organizing jobs into queues, prioritizing and executing them based on policies and resource availability.

On AI-LAB, Slurm is responsible for managing the allocation and scheduling of compute resources, ensuring that user jobs are executed efficiently and fairly.

flowchart LR
  B["<span><img src="/assets/img/server.svg" width='25' height='25'>Front-end node</span>"]

  C["<span><img src="/assets/img/code-file.svg" width='25' height='25'>Job id 4</span>"]

  subgraph slurm[<p style="font-family: Barlow, sans-serif; font-weight: 800; font-size: 16px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #221a52; letter-spacing: 1px; margin: 10px;">Slurm queue</p>]
    direction LR
    D1["<span><img src="/assets/img/code-file.svg" width='25' height='25'>Job id 4</span>"]
    D2["<span><img src="/assets/img/code-file.svg" width='25' height='25'>Job id 3</span>"]
    D3["<span><img src="/assets/img/code-file.svg" width='25' height='25'>Job id 2</span>"]
    D1 -.- D2 -.- D3

  subgraph cluster[<p style="font-family: Barlow, sans-serif; font-weight: 800; font-size: 12px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #221a52; letter-spacing: 1px; margin: 5px;">Compute nodes</p>]
    direction LR

    E1["<span><img src="/assets/img/code-file.svg" width='25' height='25'>Job id 1</span>"]
    E2["<span><img src="/assets/img/server.svg"  width='25' height='25' >ailab-l4-01</span>"]

    E1 --> E2

  B --> C --> slurm --> cluster

  style D1 stroke-dasharray: 5 5


Singularity is a container platform designed for running applications on AI-LAB. Containers are lightweight, portable, and reproducible environments that bundle an application's code, libraries, and dependencies. Key features of Singularity include:

  • Compatibility: Running containers with high-performance computing workloads without requiring root privileges.
  • Portability: Enabling the same container to run on different systems without modification.
  • Integration with HPC Systems: Designed to work seamlessly with HPC job schedulers like Slurm.

Pre-Downloaded Containers on AI-LAB

AI-LAB provides a variety of pre-downloaded containers to help users get started quickly. These containers are stored in the /ceph/container directory. The list of available containers is periodically updated, and users can propose new containers by contacting the support team. Currently available container images includes:

  • PyTorch (CPU/GPU)
  • TensorFlow (CPU/GPU)
  • ImageMagick (CPU)

Interconnection of Slurm and Singularity

On AI-LAB, Slurm and Singularity work together. Slurm handles the job scheduling and resource allocation, while Singularity ensures that the specified container environment is instantiated and the application runs with all its dependencies.

flowchart LR
  A[<span><img src="/assets/img/person.svg" width='25' height='25'>User laptop</span>]
  B["<span><img src="/assets/img/server.svg" width='25' height='25'>Front-end node</span>"]
  C["<span><img src="/assets/img/container.svg" width='25' height='25'>Singularity container job</span>"]
  D["<span><img src="/assets/img/queue.svg" width='25' height='25'>Slurm</span>"]
  E["<span><img src="/assets/img/server.svg" width='25' height='25'>Compute node</span>"]

  A-- SSH --> B --> C --> D --> E-- Result --> B

  style C stroke-dasharray: 5 5
  style D stroke-dasharray: 5 5