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File management

You are now logged into AI-LAB and are in your user directory, which is located at /ceph/home/<domain>/<user>. You can confirm this by typing pwd. This directory is your private storage space where you can keep all your files. It is stored on a network file system, so you can access your files from any compute node within the platform.

Here is the general file structure on AI-LAB:

  • /ceph AI-LAB's file system
    • home user home directories
      • [domain] e.g
        • [user] your user directory
    • project shared project directories
    • course directory with course specific material
    • container directory with ready-to-use applications

For a detailed overview of the AI-LAB storage system, click here.

Transfer files within AI-LAB

You can use the command cp [source] [destination] to copy files and cp -r [source] [destination] to copy folders to and from directories within AI-LAB. This will be useful when you need to retrieve applications or course materials later. For example:

cp /ceph/course/claaudia/docs/matlab_script.m .

Here, /ceph/course/claaudia/docs/matlab_script.m is the path to the file or folder you want to copy, and . is the path to where you want to copy it—in this case, your user directory.

Transfer files between your local computer and AI-LAB

You can transfer files between your local computer and AI-LAB using WinSCP. Other popular solutions are PuTTY and FileZilla. Alternatively, you can install OpenSSH to use the scp command, as shown for Linux/MacOS users.

When you open WinSCP, you will be greeted by a Login modal. Follow the instructions in the image above to establish a connection to the server. Screenshot of WinSCP setup

You can now drag and drop files between your local computer and the AI-LAB platform.


You might want to display hidden files in WinSCP (such as files starting with a dot on Linux systems). Go to Options → Preferences... → Panels and turn on "Show hidden files".

You can transfer files between your local computer and AI-LAB using the command line utility scp from your local computer (note: You have to be logged out from AI-LAB to use scp).

scp some-file

Replace with your AAU email address.

Here, ~ represents your user directory on AI-LAB and /some-dir a folder in your directory.

To copy files from AI-LAB to your local computer, use:

scp .

Replace with your AAU email address.

Here, . represents the current directory on your local computer.

Now that you know the basics of file transfer, lets proceed to learn how to get applications